Getting To Know Me As Your Coach.....
I get it, you want a coach, but feel uncomfortable sharing all about you without knowing something about what matters to your coach, who they are and what their story is.
So here is a little bit about me...
I want you as my coachMy Story.
I am a high achieving, purpose led leader, who is ambitious and has a deep heart and compassion for people, just like you.
At the heart of who I am as a coach there is soul, warmth and a drive to make a positive difference in lives, workplaces and the world.
I am also someone who at times in my early career was been labelled sensitive, as though it were something not valuable. I know we are all given labels.
In reality my ability to sense patterns and needs and connect with others is my super power and what has enabled me to excel as a Global Award winning coach.
Growing up I watched someone in my family struggle with their mental health. As a child I decided that as I was related to them that I would likely experience similar problems. I didn't know any different.
As an adult I worked with a coach, loved the new perspectives it opened up for me and then decided to follow my passion and trained as a coach with two psychotherapists.
I learned that my fear of my own mental health was a limiting belief. I have done the change work through coaching. I have put myself in control of my emotional wellbeing.
I understand and have confidence in my emotions and this has enabled me to achieve everything I want.
I can coach you to achieve the inner emotional safety and security that you crave to give you the confidence and congruency between your inner experience and your outer achievements. I know this is possible and I know how to support you to achieve this.
I live in the UK, by the coast in a beautiful home with my husband and two children. I love paddle boarding, dancing and travelling, in fact breaking new ground anywhere! I love walking, cycling and being in the mountains and we have a motorhome that we love to do trips away in.
My core values are adventure, safety, learning, peace and warmth.

How did I become a global award winning coach?
I have always been fascinated by human behaviour - the reasons we think, feel and behave the way that we do. I was a high achiever at school and went to university to study law. I realised that there was very limited 1:1 in the law and so I changed my career path.
I found HR where I could combine my legal, analytical brain with my purpose around supporting people. I worked across the private public and third sector and was a HR director for 6 years.
I engaged a coach to work within my organisation and my purpose really ignited. Coaching is all the parts of HR that I loved without all the bits I wasn't so keen on (constant reorganisations, disciplineries, job evaluation)!
I decided to train to become a qualified coach. I had my first child and knew that I wanted to be proud of sharing with my child what I did when I wasn't with them. I explain that my job is to help people be the best that they can be.
I have gone on to invest thousands in my own CPD and all of that has enabled me to now train other people to be coaches in triple accredited programmes with my business which I co-founded and run with Zoe Hawkins.
I love the safety and depth of 1:1 work and the transformational nature of the relationship with you as the coachee. I am your thought partner, your emotions partner, your supporter and your challenger. I walk side by side with you as you navigate what you need to at this point in your life.
I am a global award winning, accredited coach.
In 2020 I was awarded the European, Mentoring & Coaching Council's Global Best Coach Practitioner Award. This was awarded by the EMCC Board based on testimonials of clients.